Bhakti movement Questions and answers

  1. General Knowledge
    1. Culture
    2. Economy
    3. Geography
    4. History
      1. Indus Valley Civilization
      2. Vedic Age-The Aryans
      3. Religious movements-Buddhism and Jainism
      4. Mahajanapadas-The Magadha empire
      5. The Mauryan Empire and Sangam Age
      6. Post Mauryan Period
      7. Guptas and Post Gupta
      8. The invasion of Arabs
      9. Bhakti movement
      10. Mughal Empire
      11. Advent of Europeans
      12. Expansion of British Supremacy
      13. Indian National Movement
      14. Assertion and Reasoning
      15. Delhi Sultanate
    5. Politics
    6. General
    7. Indian Polity
    8. Sports
21). Which of the following is wrongly matched ?
A). Khwaja Moin-ud-din Chishti -- contemporary of Prithviraj Chauhan
B). Sankara-Advaita philosophy
C). Pandharpur movement-shrine of Vithoba
D). Amir Khusrau-discple of shaikh salim Chishti
22). Match the following :
A. Namadeva 1. Gujarat
B. Narasimha Mehta 2. Punjab
C. Chaitanya 3. Uttar Pradesh
D. Surdas 4. Maharashtra
5. West Bengal
The below options are give in A B C D order.

A). 1 4 2 3
B). 3 2 5 4
C). 4 1 5 3
D). 4 1 3 5
23). Tulsidas wrote Ramacharitamanas during the reign of :
A). Jahangir
B). Rama Raya
C). Akbar
D). Krishnadeva Raya
24). Which sufi saint's dargah is at Ajmer ?
A). Salim Chishti
B). Munuddin Chishti
C). Baba Farid
D). Hazraf Nizamuddin
25). Who said "Ram and Rahim are the two different name of the same God" ?
A). Kabir
B). Ramdas
C). Chaitanya
D). Ramanuja

26). Match the following :
A. Namadev 1. West Bengal
B. Chaitanya 2. Uttar Pradesh
C. Surdas 3. Maharashtra
D. Nanak 4. Punjab
Below are given in A B C D order.

A). 1 4 3 2
B). 2 3 4 1
C). 3 1 2 4
D). 4 2 1 3
27). The Pioneer in preaching Nirguna Bhakti in medieval India was :
A). Namadeva
B). Vallabhacharya
C). Ramananda
D). Sri Chaitanya
28). Consider the following pairs :
Vaishnava saints Region of strong following
1. Ramunuja - South India
2. Chaitanya - Central India
3. Vallabhacharya - Gujarat and Braj area
4. Ramanand - North India
Of these pairs, the correctly matched ones are :

A). 1, 2 and 3
B). 2, 3 and 4
C). 1 and 4
D). 1, 3 and 4
29). Who amongst the following was blind poet who worshipped Krishna and spread Krishna Bhakti cult?
A). Kabir
B). Surdas
C). Bihari
D). Raskhan
30). Let no man ask a man's sect or caste' Whose dictum was this?
A). Kabir
B). Ramananda
C). Ramanuja
D). Chitanya
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