English Literature Questions and answers

  1. English Literature
51). John Ruskin dealt with...
A). Architecture
B). The style and the society
C). Clouds, mountains and plants
D). All these three
52). Charls Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities can be considered a ...
A). Sociological novel
B). Bildungsroman
C). Regional novel
D). Historical novel
53). Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies is about
A). Flora and Fauna
B). Books and the importance of reading.
C). Education for women
D). Both 'b' and 'c'
54). The character, Maggie figures in....
A). Adam Bede
B). The Mill on the Floses
C). Silas Marner
D). None of these
55). The Accession of Queen Victoria was in...
A). 1837
B). 1832
C). 1827
D). 1822

56). “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive But to be young was very heaven" What do these lines of Wordsworth suggest?
A). About the childhood
B). About the French-Revolution
C). About the old age
D). None of these
57). “I see in Wordsworth the Natural Man rising up against the spiritual man continually a and then he is no poet but a philosopher at Enemity against all true Poetry or Inspiration" Who said this?
A). William Blake
B). Coleridge
C). Hazlitt
D). None of these
58). Who said about Wordsworth as follows? “His poetry is the reality his philosophy... is the illusion”?
A). T.S. Eliot
B). John Ruskin
C). Arnold
D). None of these
59). Shelly was expelled from the University College, Oxford because of his...
A). Prometheus Unbound
B). The Necessity of Atheism
C). Queen Mab
D). Alaster
60). Shelley died by...
A). Drinking poison
B). Drowning himself
C). Hanging himself
D). None of these
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