English Literature Questions and answers

  1. English Literature
31). Who is the heroine in Shakespeare 'Tempest'
A). Viola
B). Portia
C). Miranda
D). Beatrice
32). “France standing on the top of nature seeming born again." These lines are from...
A). The Prelude
B). Daffodils
C). Tintern Abbey
D). None of these
33). Which of the following of G.B. Shaw was prescribed because of its protrayal sexual exploitation?
A). Widower's Houses
B). Mrs. Warren's Profession
C). The Philanderer
D). Buyant Billions
34). Shelley's Queen Mab is about..
A). Religious persecution
B). Domestic bondage
C). Both 'a' and 'b'
D). None of these
35). Who wrote Abasalom Abasalom?
A). Dryden
B). Dr. Johnson
C). Willaim Faulkner
D). Fitzgerald

36). The Quintessence of Ibsenism was written by...
A). G.B. Shaw
B). Oscar Wilde
C). R.L. Stevenson
D). None of these
37). What does Arnold's 'Scholar Gypsy' deal with?
A). About scholarship
B). About the Gypsies
C). About the decay of youth and hope
D). None of these
38). The 'prefaces' of Shaw to his own plays are very popular
A). Yes
B). No
C). Perhaps
D). None of these
39). The novel, No name (1862) was written by...
A). Anthony Trollope
B). Charles Kingsley
C). Wilkie Collins
D). None of these
40). Shakaspeare's Sonnets were printed by...
A). Thomas Thorpe
B). Ben Jonson
C). Francis Beaumont
D). John Fletcher
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