Delhi Sultanate Questions and answers

  1. General Knowledge
    1. Culture
    2. Economy
    3. Geography
    4. History
      1. Indus Valley Civilization
      2. Vedic Age-The Aryans
      3. Religious movements-Buddhism and Jainism
      4. Mahajanapadas-The Magadha empire
      5. The Mauryan Empire and Sangam Age
      6. Post Mauryan Period
      7. Guptas and Post Gupta
      8. The invasion of Arabs
      9. Bhakti movement
      10. Mughal Empire
      11. Advent of Europeans
      12. Expansion of British Supremacy
      13. Indian National Movement
      14. Assertion and Reasoning
      15. Delhi Sultanate
    5. Politics
    6. General
    7. Indian Polity
    8. Sports
11). Which Sultan ordered the beautiful wall paintings in his palace to be erased?
A). Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
B). Feroz Shah Tughlaq
C). Alauddin Khalji
D). Mubarak Shah Khalji
12). Consider the following statements and mark the correct answers
1. Sikandar Lodhi was founder of city of Agra in AD 1504.
2. Alauddin Khllii started the practice of old-age pension.
3. Mohammad-bin Tughlaq was the first sultan to advance loans known as Sandhar to peasants for digging wells to extend cultivation.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below

A). Only 2
B). 1 and 3
C). None of these
D). All of these
13). Which of the following causes was responsible for failure of department of agriculture.
(Diwan-i-Kohi) created by Mohammad bin Tughlaq?

A). The piece of land chosen for experiment was not fertile
B). The money embarked for the scheme was badly spent
C). The Sultan could not give the attention to the scheme which required
D). All of the above
14). First Sanskrit work to be translated into Persian was Tuti Nandi. Who wrote the book in
the time of Mohammad-him Tughlaq?

A). Amir Khusrau
B). Zia Nakshabi
C). Malik Mohammad Jayasi
D). Mulk Raj Anand
15). Which Sultan for the first time introduced the practice of styling to Sultan as Naib Caliph?
A). Jalaluddin Khilji
B). Feroz Shah Tughlaq
C). Sikandar Lodhi
D). Khizr Khan

16). Consider the following statements
1.Alauddin Khilji increased the interference of central bureaucracy into the provincial matters.
2. He did a number of military reforms.
3. He has a better control over the nobility class, the restriction over their meetings matrimorial relations.
4. Alauddin was the first sultan to strictly enforce bureaucratic accountability.
Which of the following statements are correct?

A). 1,2 and 3
B). 2,3 and 4
C). 1 and 3
D). All of these
17). Who was the only converted lndian Muslim to become the head of the Delhi Sultanate?
A). Kaikubad
B). Naisruddin Khusrau Shah
C). Masud Shah
D). Oaimurs
18). Which of the following are true?
A). Balban did not go for fresh conquests. rather he concentrated on consolidation of the infant state at Delhi.
B). He set about a policy for liquidation of the Challisa or 40 nobles.
C). Balban did not differentiated in matters of administration and justice.
D). All of the above.
19). Consider the following
The arrival of Babur into India led to the
1. introduction of gunpowder in the sub-continent.
2. introduction of the arch and dome in the region's architecture.
3. establishment of Timurid dynasty in the region.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

A). 1 and 2
B). Only 3
C). 1and3
D). 1,2and3
20). Who is credited with reorganizing the lqta System created by Mohammad Ghori?
A). Aibek
B). Balban
C). Razia Sultan
D). Alauddin Khalji
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