Inventions Questions and answers

  1. General Science
    1. Assertions and Reasons
    2. Biology
    3. Chemistry
    4. Physics
    5. Inventions
11). Who invented Dynamite?
A). Sir Alexander Graham Bell
B). Benjamin Franklin
C). Thomas Alva Edison
D). Alfred B. Nobel
12). Who came up with the idea for INSTANT MASHED POTATO?
A). S. Tuberosum
B). W. Raleigh
C). E. Asselbergs
D). K. Edwards
13). William Frederick is credited with the invention of the modern frisbee in the mid 1950's. In 1957 the Wham-O Company bought his idea and the rest is history. They named the toy after William Frisbie who was a ________?
A). Pie maker
B). Owner of a pizza parlor
C). Student at Yale
D). Ceramic plate designer
14). CORN FLAKES Who made them first?
A). Nabisco
B). Kellogg
C). Quaker
D). Archers
15). Who developed the idea of Crop Rotation?
A). Potato Peterson
B). Turnip Townsend
C). Cabbage Carlson
D). Swede Svenson

16). For over 500 years, paper was only available and sold as single sheets. In 1902, an inventive Australian used half size sheets of paper, a bit of glue and cardboard to create the what?
A). Notepad
B). Calendar
C). Notice Board
D). Telephone Book
17). Who was the first person to patent the JET ENGINE?
A). F. Whittle
B). C. Lindbergh
C). W. Histell
D). B. Owings
18). Where were wigs first invented?
A). Japan
B). France
C). Egypt
D). China
19). Who invented the battery?
A). John Wilkinson
B). Alessandro Volta
C). James Hargreaves
D). Thomas Edison
20). Who invented Automobiles using gasoline?
A). Leo H Baekeland
B). Karl Benz
C). Evangelista Torricelli
D). Kirkpatrick Macmillan
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