Geometry Questions and answers

  1. Elementary Mathematics
    1. Quadratic Equations
    2. Simplification
    3. Area and perimeter
    4. Volume and surface area
    5. Geometry
    6. Trigonometry
    7. Polynomials
    8. Height and Distance
    9. Simple and Decimal fraction
    10. Indices and Surd
    11. Logarithms
    12. Trigonometric ratio
    13. Straight lines
    14. Triangle
    15. Circles
    16. Quadrilateral and parallelogram
    17. Loci and concurrency
    18. Statistics
    19. Rectangular and Cartesian products
    20. Rational expression
    21. Set theory
    22. Factorisation
    23. LCM and HCF
    24. Clocks
    25. Real Analysis
41). P is a point outside a circle and is 13 cm away from its centre. A secant drawn from the point P intersects the circle at points A and B in such a way that PA = 9 cm and AB = 7 cm. The radius of the circle is
A). 5.5 cm
B). 5 cm
C). 4 cm
D). 4.5 cm
42). Consider the following statements
I. The perpendicular bisector of a chord of a circle does not pass through the centre of the circle.
II. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A). Only I
B). Only II
C). Both I and II
D). Neither I nor II
43). From the circumcentre I of the \( \Large \triangle \) ABC, \( \Large \perp \) ID is drawn on BC. If \( \Large \angle \) BAC = \( \Large 60 ^{\circ} \), then the value of \( \Large \angle \) BID is
A). \( \Large 75 ^{\circ} \)
B). \( \Large 60 ^{\circ} \)
C). \( \Large 45 ^{\circ} \)
D). \( \Large 80 ^{\circ} \)
44). In a \( \Large \triangle \) ABC, O is its circumcentre and \( \Large \angle  BAC = 50 ^{\circ}  \). The measure of \( \Large \angle OBC \)  is
A). \( \Large 60 ^{\circ} \)
B). \( \Large 30 ^{\circ} \)
C). \( \Large 40 ^{\circ} \)
D). \( \Large 50 ^{\circ} \)
45). The diagonals AC and BD of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD intersect each other at the point P. Then, it is always true that
B). AP. BP = CP.DP
D). BP. AB = CD.CP

46). A, B, C and D are four points on a circle. AC and BD intersect at a point E such that \( \Large \angle \) BEC = \( \Large 130 ^{\circ} \) and \( \Large \angle \) ECD = \( \Large 20 ^{\circ} \). Then, \( \Large \angle \) BAC is equal to 
A). \( \Large 90 ^{\circ} \)
B). \( \Large 100 ^{\circ} \)
C). \( \Large 110 ^{\circ} \)
D). \( \Large 120 ^{\circ} \)
47). From the circumcentre I of the \( \Large \triangle \) ABC, \( \Large \perp \) ID is drawn on BC. If \( \Large \angle \) BAC = \( \Large 60 ^{\circ} \), then the value of \( \Large \angle \) BID is. Find the value of X.
A). \( \Large 75 ^{\circ} \)
B). \( \Large 60 ^{\circ} \)
C). \( \Large 45 ^{\circ} \)
D). \( \Large 80 ^{\circ} \)
48). An equilateral \( \Large \triangle \) TQR is drawn inside a square PQRS. The value of the \( \Large \angle \) PTS (in degrees) is
A). 75
B). 90
C). 120
D). 150
49). If the sides of a quadrilateral ABCD touch a circle and AB = 6 cm, CD = 5 cm BC = 7 cm, then the length of AD (in cm) is
A). 4
B). 6
C). 8
D). 9
50). Two concentric circles having common centre O and chord AB of the outer circle intersect the inner circle at points C and D. If distance of chord from the centre is 3 cm, outer radius is 13 cm and inner radius is 7 cm, then length of AC (in cm) is
A). \( \Large 8\sqrt{10} \)
B). \( \Large 6\sqrt{10} \)
C). \( \Large 4\sqrt{10} \)
D). \( \Large 2\sqrt{10} \)
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