Questions based on Information(Bank Exams) Questions and answers

  1. General Intellingence and Reasoning
    1. Classification
    2. Coding and Decoding
    3. Numerical Operations
    4. Series
    5. Relationship
    6. Statements and conclusions
    7. Seating Arrangement
    8. Questions based on Codes
    9. Seating Arrangement(Circular)
    10. Input Rearrangement
    11. Statements(Mathematical) and Conclusions
    12. Questions based on Information(Bank Exams)
    13. Relationship in Equations
    14. Analogy

Study the following information and answer the given questions :

Five bags-M, N, O, P and Q each have a different weight. O is lighter than only three other bags. M is heavier than Q but lighter than P. P is not the heaviest.
51). Who amongst the following is third heaviest?
A). M
B). P
C). Either M or N
D). N
E). Cannot be determined
52). Which of the following is the lightest?
A). P
B). O
C). Q
D). N
E). Cannot be determined
53). Who among the following is the heaviest ?
A). M
B). N
C). O
D). P
E). Q
Study the following information and answer the questions :

Eight friends-J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on until the topmost floor is numbered eight. , I lives on floor numbered four. Only two people live between I and 0. Only one person lives between 0 and L. M lives immediately above Q. M lives on an even numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and N. Only one person lives between M and K.
54). Four of the following five are alike as per the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group ?
A). NQ
B). OJ
C). PN
D). KL
E). MN
55). What is the position of M ?
A). M lives on the fifth floor
B). M lives on sixth floor
C). M lives on second floor
D). M lives on topmost floor
E). M lives on fourth floor

56). Who amongst the following lives exactly in the middle of the friends who lives fifth from the bottom and second from the top?
A). Q
B). N
C). L
D). K
E). M
57). Which of the following is true regarding N ?
A). N lives on sixth numbered floor
B). Only two persons live between N and L
C). Only two persons live between N and M
D). N lives on fifth from the topmost floor
E). Q is an immediate neighbour of N
58). If all the given friends are made to sit in an alphabetical order from bottom to top. the positions of how many of them will remain unchanged ?
A). Three
B). None
C). Two
D). One
E). Four
59). How many persons live between J and L ?
A). Three
B). Two
C). None
D). Four
E). One
Study the following information and answer the given questions.

In a certain code. “new banking systems"" is written as “ss tp na” “officer in uniform” is written as “or mu at"" “new bank officer” is written as “or bk na”

“systems in bank” is written as “bk at ss”
60). J lives on which floor ?
A). Third
B). Fourth
C). Fifth
D). Second
E). Sixth
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