TNPSC Question Paper-2013 Questions and answers

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This page contains the questions asked in previous year TNPSC Group 1 preliminary exam. You can practice these questions as practice test in this link.

51). Consider the following pairs :
I. Laterite high - temperature and high rainfall
II. Alluvial - sediments deposited by rivers
III. Black soil - suitable for cotton cultivation
IV. Clay soil - suitable for plantation
Which of the above pairs are corretly matched?

A). I, II and III
B). I, II and IV
C). II, III and IV
D). I, III and IV
52). If two dice are thrown, what is the probability that the sum of the two faces obtained is neither 7 nor 11?
A). 7/9
B). 9/7
C). 1/7
D). 1/9
53). The word 'Valanchiyam' in Chola period means
A). Village Administrators
B). Merchant Group
C). Tax collectors
D). Artists
54). In a democracy a civil servant must be committed to the :
I. Goals of the constitution
II. Common good
III. Ruling party's ideology
IV. Execution of public policies
Select the correct answer by using the Codes given below:

A). I, III and IV
B). II, III and IV
C). I, II and III
D). I, II, and IV
55). In which of the following, council of states has equal powers with the house of people?
A). In the matter of creating new All India Services
B). In amending the constitution
C). In the removal of the government
D). In making cut motions

56). Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has been emphasizing the adoption of the following to eradicate, poverty in India and to have sustained economic growth
57). To improve the status of women in landed property, States like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have amended the
A). Hindu Succession Act 1956
B). Hindu Succession Act 1967
C). Hindu Succession Act 1981
D). Hindu Succession Act 1996
58). Double counting means
I. Counting the value Of a product at the final stage of production
II. counting the value of a product at each stage of production
III. Connting the value of a product more than once
Of these

A). I only
B). III only
C). I and II
D). I and III
59). Which of the following statements is not correct?
A). An increase in oxidation number of an element implies that the element has undergone oxidation
B). An increase in oxidatiOn number of an element implies that it has undergone reduction
C). The oxidation, number of an element can be a fraction
D). Oxidation number of an element is a positive or negative integer
60). Late N.C. Sundaravalli was associated with which of the following?
A). Music
B). Dance
C). Drama
D). Education
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