Semantic Classification Questions and answers

  1. General Intellingence and Reasoning
    1. Classification
      1. Semantic Classification
      2. Number Classification
    2. Coding and Decoding
    3. Numerical Operations
    4. Series
    5. Relationship
    6. Statements and conclusions
    7. Seating Arrangement
    8. Questions based on Codes
    9. Seating Arrangement(Circular)
    10. Input Rearrangement
    11. Statements(Mathematical) and Conclusions
    12. Questions based on Information(Bank Exams)
    13. Relationship in Equations
    14. Analogy
31). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Parrot
B). Sheep
C). Cat
D). Dog
32). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Storm
B). Hurricane
C). Wind
D). Cyclone
33). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Rubber
B). Cork
C). Stone
D). Wood
34). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Ramayana
B). Mahabaratha
C). Bahagavat Githa
D). Panchatantra
35). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Pen
B). Pencil
C). Paper
D). Water

36). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Apple
B). Onion
C). Orange
D). Mango
37). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Saturn
B). Mars
C). Titan
D). Earth
38). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Square
B). Cube
C). Prism
D). Cuboid
39). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Rectangle
B). Triangle
C). Prism
D). Square
40). Choose the one which is different from other three.
A). Square
B). Pentagon
C). Rectangle
D). Circle
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