World Organisations Questions and answers

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41). The number of principal organs of UNO is :
A). 3
B). 4
C). 5
D). 6
42). The total members of Security Council are :
A). 5
B). 10
C). 15
D). 20
43). Which organ of UNO is considered as world parliament ?
A). General Assembly
B). Security Council
C). International Court of Justice
D). Trusteeship Council
44). India has been a member of the UN since :
A). 1945
B). 1946
C). 1946
D). 1948
45). Which of the following is true of the International Court of Justice ?
A). The Court consists of 20 judges
B). The judges of the Court are appointed according to the discretion of the
Secretary General
C). The statute of the International Court of Justice is not an integral part of the
UN Charter
D). No two judges may belong to the same country

46). Match the following:
Organisation Headquarters
A. ILO 1. Paris
B. UNESCO 2. Rome
C. IBRD 3. Geneva
D. FAO 4. Washington D.C.
Below options are given in A B C D order

A). 1 4 3 2
B). 2 1 4 3
C). 3 1 4 2
D). 3 2 4 1
47). Match the following :
Organisation Headquarters
A. International Atomic Energy Agency 1. Brussels
B. International Telecommunication Union 2. Geneva
C. Council of the European Union 3. Paris
D. Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development 4. Vienna
Below options are given in A B C D order

A). 1 2 4 3
B). 4 3 1 2
C). 1 3 4 2
D). 4 2 1 3
48). According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which of the following is not a rigid?
A). Safe drinking water
B). Adequate standard of living
C). Employment
D). Protection from exploitation
49). Who among the following leaders took major initiative in the formation of the League of Nations?
A). Abraham Lincoln
B). Woodrow Wilson
C). Franklin Roosevelt
D). George Washington
50). The headquarters of UNESCO is in :
A). New York
B). The Hague
C). Paris
D). Moscow
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